Dec. 26, 2023

CONUNDRUM | January 2024 | Code Word

CONUNDRUM | January 2024 | Code Word


As you can see the four symbols indicate the Code Word has four letters. The first symbol is a KEY. 

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S3E24 | Once upon a time when we were young we loved to get lost exploring the forests and castles of bedtime stories. Today we’re diving into the whimsical world of Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes. 

Looking at the two grids you see that the KEY corresponds to the orange and red blocks in the righthand grid. If you isolate those blocks and rearrange them you can see that it creates the letter C.

Do the same with the other three symbols to find the Code Word.

SOLUTION: Highlight this text to reveal the answer --> CLUE, a variant of the Old English word CLEW, meaning a ball of thread or yarn. According to Greek mythology, when Theseus entered the Labyrinth to kill the minotaur, he unraveled a clew, a ball of string behind him, so he could find his way back. |